Friday, January 25, 2013


I've been thinking a lot lately about the search for answers in life, especially since everyone around me seems to be in such a hurry to find them. The answer to that timeless question of, 'what am I supposed to do with my life?' seems to be a big one for some of the people in my life right now. They want to find what their passion in life is so that they can start working a job doing just that, and hopefully, never "work" a day in their life. But for the people who haven't found their passion yet, they feel frustrated in their failure at not having done so. I used to be one of these people.

Finding your passion requires courage, stubbornness, resilience, and dedication. It doesn't happen overnight and it is far from easy. And while the feeling of finally finding it is truly wonderful, I believe that the things you discover about yourself along the way and knowing that you stuck out and survived the journey at all instills a much greater feeling in you. Those are the parts that really matter. It sounds cliche to say this, but it really is about the journey not the destination.

And finding your passion doesn't mean the work is over. You still have to figure out what to do with it. I was told once that I needed to do something "good" with my writing. I believe that no matter what you discover you want to do with your life, you should try and do something good with it. I remind myself of that every day. People are so motivated by money and material possessions today and achieving a high ranked status in society. But when it comes time for you to leave this world, none of those things will matter or be remembered. How you changed people and the world around you for the better by what you did with your life is what will create your legacy.

When you look at it that way, you understand that figuring out what you're supposed to do with your life is a lifelong journey. You have to work at your passion every single day  and try to do the very best you can by it. You passion is your gift from God, so honor it.

I did find my passion and I am slowly figuring out what I want to do with it, but there are still unanswered questions in my heart about what I'm supposed to do with my life. And even though I've chosen to be a writer doesn't mean that's the only thing I want to be in my life. I believe that reinvention is so important to living life to the fullest. Hopefully we all find our one true passion in life, but that doesn't mean we have to ignore all of our other callings.

I was talking to a close friend the other day who told me about how excited her husband was to be approaching retirement. She just laughed and said that retirement is a concept that has never entered her mind. She wants to always be planning her next big adventure and trying her hand at another type of career or hobby. She  found her passion in life and has been doing it for over 20 years but that's not the only thing she wants to do and be. And not knowing what she'll spend the next 20 years doing is clearly exciting to her.

Don't worry if you haven't found your passion and decided what you  want to be when you grow up. The fact that you haven't should be exciting. And even when you do find some answers, continue to love the new questions that arise and the constant uncertainty of everything around you. The last line of a poem I wrote once said, "my only comfort is not knowing what will come," and I feel peace inside every time I realize how true that is.

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