Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Everything worth doing starts with being scared...

My old dance teacher---one of thee most inspirational people in my life---once quoted Art Garfunkel during a performance: “Everything worth doing starts with being scared.”  The quote stuck with me and I reflect on it whenever I am confronted by a challenge in life. I frequently think about it as I navigate along on my journey towards becoming a writer.

It took me nearly 22 years to realize that God put me on this earth to be a writer. Knowing that writing is not just my chosen profession but my PURPOSE, scares me to death every day. Writers are a ballsy, untamed, misunderstood, stubborn, resilient, and passionate bunch of individuals. You don’t choose to become a writer for money or fame or the hope that your books will someday be turned into a theme park. You don’t do it because it’s easy. You don’t do it because you are talented. You do it because you can’t live without writing. And no matter how hard the path of a writer is---and believe me it’s hard---and regardless of all the people and rationale that tempt you to turn back, you keep going because even though you’re scared, you know that your pursuit is worth it.

In high school and college I used to write in a journal. Now, I write for newspapers and anyone willing to publish me. This blog, whatever it turns out to be about, is my attempt at merging the secret meanderings of my heart with the daily observations of the world around me that I am always bursting to put in print. It will be a little bit of grace and a little bit of grit.

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