Friday, February 23, 2018

Be At Peace.....

I read a quote a long time ago that said, “God already knows what is going to happen…..he is just waiting for the right time to reveal it to me.” 

Three years ago as I was preparing to be baptized into the Catholic Church I had come to the realization that God planned on calling me to his faith long before he revealed that plan to me. Looking back on my life I picked out all kinds of small moments and encounters that, unbeknownst to me at the time, were pulling me closer to God. From my Catholic friends in high school who first introduced me to the faith, to settling on Carroll College as my educational institution, to falling in love with my future husband who convinced me to attend my first Catholic mass…..God was subtle but deliberate in his hints to me.

But it wasn’t until the fall of 2013 that I felt the undeniable pull to hand my life over to the healing and saving powers of God. 

On April 19, 2014 after months of religious education classes, prayer and mounting anticipation, the day of my baptism was upon me. That morning as I finished up rehearsing for the Easter Vigil later that night, I was asked who I had chosen as my confirmation saint. I smiled because I had chosen my saint months earlier. 

After being baptized during the Vigil that night, I stood in front of the parish holding my baptismal candle as my head was anointed with holy oil to confirm my pledge of faith. And I was called by the name of my patron saint--Francis……for Francis de Sales.

Francis de Sales is known as the patron saint of Catholic writers, the Catholic press, the deaf, journalists and those in adult education. Having realized long ago that writing is my ultimate calling in this life from God, how could I have chosen anyone else for my confirmation saint? 

Francis de Sales was born to a noble family at Chateau de Sales in the kingdom of Savoy near Geneva, Switzerland in 1567. While Francis’ father desired him to enter a career in law and politics, Francis had longed to serve God from an early age. But he kept this desire hidden from his family for years. 

Francis did go on to receive his doctorate in law at the University of Padua but was later ordained to the priesthood. 

During the time of the Protestant reformation, Francis lived close to Calvinist territory. He decided he should lead an expedition to bring the 60,000 Calvinists back to the Catholic Church. For three years, he trudged through the countryside, had doors slammed in his face and rocks thrown at him. In the bitter winters, his feet froze so badly they bled as he tramped through the snow.

Francis' unusual patience kept him working. No one would listen to him, no one would even open their door. So, Francis found a way to get under the door. He wrote out little pamphlets to explain true Catholic doctrine and slipped them under the doors. This is one of the first records Catholics have of religious tracts being used to communicate the true Catholic faith to people who had fallen away from the Church.

By the time Francis returned home, it is believe he bought 40,000 people to the Catholic Church.
While only a glimpse into the life of my saint, it is the only glimpse I need to feel a strong and undeniable connection to him.

Sometimes I’ve wondered if the choice of Francis was too simple and easy. He’s the patron saint of journalists and since I am a writer and journalist of sorts I chose him as my saint. Easy peasy!
But something happened a few weeks ago…..another one of those subtle but clearly deliberate pokes of God into my life that made me realize that perhaps Saint Francis has also been walking at my side all along too. 

I was at my parent’s house one day and getting something out of their bedroom. On my way back out their door, something stopped me dead in my tracks. There is a picture that has hung on their wall for as long as I can remember. It contains the following quote:

“Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father, who cares for you today, will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering, or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imagination.” 

I’ve always loved the quote but that day was the first time I took note of the voice behind it.  The name written below the quote was none other than Francis de Sales. 

During this Lenten season as I practice fasting, almsgiving, and reconciliation, I find peace and comfort in knowing that God and Saint Francis de Sales walk beside me each day….guiding me…..healing me….comforting me. And I believe, coincidence or not, that Francis chose me just as much as I chose him. 

Saint Francis de Sales pray for us!

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